January 26, 2008

Shabby and Chic

When the Swedish interior decorator Anna Stenberg moved to Mallorca she decided to open a interior design boutique, Ana Vida. The boutique offers a nice mix of interior and antiques and the pictures above shows Anna's home, and from the boutique. I love the shabby feeling mixed with the newer stuff!

Shop online at http://www.anavida.com/shop/


TIG said...

Both Anna's home and shop are beautiful--love the beamed ceiling.

{Just stopping in to say thanks so much for featuring my site as Blog of the Week!}

~~♥ Mamma Millan ♥~~ said...

ooo, vilken mysig blogg här va!!!

Trevlig Helg Millan

Anonymous said...

En månad går galet snabbt.. Men vi saknar än dock dina små inlägg som förgyller vardagen.

Anonymous said...

Ville bara passa på att önska dig en riktigt skön påsk! Väntar på en comeback! :)

Jes/Vita villa vila said...

Oj vilker urmysig blogg jag just trillade in på!!!

Hit kommer jag gärna igen!

Kram/Jes ♥