November 10, 2007

In my Style Studio

When it comes to decorate your home Art is something that most people find to be the hardest part. But there are simple methods you can use, as hanging small different types of frames together instead of only using one single big painting. But what many people forget is their office although you spend a lot of your time there. Still, you do not want to drop to much money on the office walls so I have found a way that is affordable, decorative and easy to do yourself.
I have a large golden frame hanging on my office wall that I bought in a thrift store. I use the frame as a bulletin board to pin photos and inspiration images in. Since you only choose to pin your favorite pictures it will not only give you inspiration, but you will also have something beautiful to look at. The images are easy to change every day/week/month, and it is a great way to decorate your office. This is how this week clipboard looks like.


Anonymous said...

Har precis läst igenom dina inlägg fr de senaste två månaderna (tappade bort din adress när vi hade lite dator-problems) & fått många nya härliga tips.

Själv har jag en stor maffig guldram med ett blommigt tyg spänt innuti. Funderar på att sätta ngn slags skum bakom & börja använda den som idé-montage-tavla. Tack för tipset & all inspiration!

Hoppas du har en härlig start på veckan där över i amerikat!

Extravaganza said...

Hej Cissi, vad kul att du hittat tillbaka! Vilken bra idé med skum till din tavla, det tycker jag du ska göra. Enkelt att fixa och samtidigt lite annorlunda. Må så gott! Kram, J